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Fuel pricing and ordering tool

As an Air bp business or general aviation customer you can now find full pricing details and order fuel for locations across our global network 24/7, on any device, from anywhere in the world.


Use Air bp’s fuel pricing tool to:


  • find your jet and avgas fuel prices
  • view any taxes and fees which apply to your order
  • choose from over 40 currencies
  • select your preferred unit of measure
  • download a pdf record of prices
  • see the date prices are valid until




Use Air bp’s fuel ordering tool to:


  • receive a fuel order confirmation in minutes
  • have assurance that the airport is aware of your arrival, departure time and fuel requirements
  • manage, amend or cancel fuel releases at any time.



Find out how


See how our online tool makes fuel pricing and ordering easier using our how-to guides below
Find full pricing details in seconds.
Pricing screen
  • 1 - Enter the IATA,ICAO or airport name and select search 
  • 2 - Choose the currency and unit of measurement
  • 3 - Your account number and account name is displayed here
  • 4 - Airport details, including the delivery ramp and who will perform the refuelling
  • 5 - Fuel grade and the ‘valid until’ date are displayed
  • 6 - The ‘pricing basis’ will show your contracted rate if you are contracted or the ‘Sterling card member rate’
  • 7 - This is the total variable price, including the base price, any differential and variable compulsory taxes & fees. Click on the ‘i’ for more information
  • 8 - This is the total of the single ‘fixed charges’ that will be applicable to your fuelling
  • 9 - This area is to display messages valid for certain locations* and should be read carefully if present
  • 10 - Click here to order fuel for this airport
  • 11 - Click on the expandable ‘taxes & fees’ section to view the charges in detail 

* Certain locations are currently displaying the ‘posted airfield price’ only. This may reflect the correct price or you may be entitled to a lower rate. Contact your account manager for clarification. If you have a contracted price which is not displayed in the tool, please contact your account manager.

The tool is best viewed in 80% zoom.

For any technical problems, questions or feedback, please contact your account manager.

See the breakdown of taxes and fees that are applicable to your order.
View taxes and fees
  • 11 - Click on the expandable ‘taxes & fees’ section to view the charges in detail 
  • 12 - ‘Compulsory taxes & fees’ apply to every fuelling operation with no exemptions
  • 13 - This is the total of the ‘variable compulsory’ charges (these are per unit charges applicable to all fuelling). They are included in the ‘total fuel price.’ Individual charges are listed below
  • 14 - This is the total of the ‘fixed’ single one off charges applicable to your refuelling, with the individual charges which make up that total below
  • 15 - ‘Conditional taxes & fees’ may apply to your fuelling depending on the onward destination, whether you are a private or commercial operation and the extra services you may require
  • 16 - As per the above descriptions, both ‘variable & fixed conditional’ fees which may apply are listed, but are not totalled and are not included in the total fuel price
  • 17 - Please read the terms & conditions 


The tool is best viewed in 80% zoom.

For any technical problems, questions or feedback, please contact your account manager.

Step 1 of 3

Create a fuel release step 1

A ‘*’ denotes a mandatory field.

  • 18 - Enter the aircrafts next destination
  • 19 - Enter the ETA and ETD
  • 20 - You can specify a time you would prefer the refuelling (please note this is a request only and may not be possible)
  • 21 - Enter the fuel volume estimate and unit of measure
  • 22 - If you do not know quantity of fuel required, please check this box
  • 23 - When ready, click ‘next’

Step 2 of 3

Create a fuel release step 2 of 3
  • 24 - Please enter the aircraft registration
  • 25 - The flight number is optional
  • 26 - Please enter the aircraft manufacturer & model
  • 27 - If you are not the operator of the flight please check this box and enter the operator name
  • 28 - When ready, click ‘next’
  • 29 - If you need to return to step 1, click ‘previous’

Step 3 of 3

Create a fuel release step 3 of 3
  • 30 - You can now add additional e-mail addresses where the fuel release confirmation will be sent to
  • 31 - Please add any additional notes which will be helpful to the refuelling team
  • 32 - When ready click ‘preview’

A summary of the fuel order details is displayed.
Please check to ensure they are correct.

Create a fuel release summary
  • 33 - You can edit the details of key sections by clicking on ‘edit.’ This will take you to the appropriate section. Once the change has been made click ‘preview’ again
  • 34 - Once you are happy with you order click ‘submit’

View your order

View your order
  • 35 - Your order will take a couple of minutes to appear in ‘your fuel releases’ section where it will be given a unique reference number
  • 36 - You can edit the details of key sections by clicking on ‘edit.’ This will take you to the appropriate section. Once the change has been made click ‘preview’ and ‘submit’ again
  • 37 - For more fuel order details click the expandable section
  • 38 - You can cancel your fuel order at anytime, after entering feedback in the pop up modal
  • 39 - Click here for a new price search
If you do not have access to Air bp's myinvoice and would like to request access to our fuel pricing and ordering tool, or for any other enquiries please contact your account manager.