Air BP, the international aviation fuel products and service supplier held its 15th Technical Services Conference from 18-21 September at its Sunbury, UK headquarters with the theme of innovation and new technology.
45 customers took part to hear about how Air BP is meeting industry challenges and learn about newly launched initiatives to help customers protect their operations and manage risk. The four-day conference was Air BP’s biggest technical services conference to date with airports, refining and aviation fuels handling companies from 23 countries represented.
Air BP highlighted a number of innovative new features to its technical services portfolio including:
This bi-annual event is designed to update and educate customers on Air BP’s latest technical services developments worldwide including advances in technology, processes and innovations. The programme included sessions on safety leadership skills, liability and major loss, maintenance training, a Tarbox liability update for multiple user facilities, analysis on safety critical equipment and the latest research and development. Customers also heard from Air BP’s technical services insurance broker, Marsh Ltd.
Air BP’s portfolio of technical services covers product quality, training, safe and reliable operations, engineering design and build of depots and vehicles, and a variety of management services. Importantly, services are tailored to meet a customer’s precise need.
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