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Avgas duty increases in the UK and France

Release date:
February 2021
If you’re refuelling with Avgas in the UK and France, new excise duties introduced on 1 January and payable across the UK and France mean you might notice a slight increase in fuel costs


What does this duty increase mean for you?


Effective the beginning of this year, the rate of excise duty for fuel duty payers who supply Avgas increased from £0.3770 to £0.3820 per litre in the UK and from €45.48 to €56.39 per hectolitre in France.


For our customers, this increased duty rate is only expected to slightly increase your fuel costs. Your customer experience will remain broadly the same, as the change in the rate of Avgas does not change any processes or tax administration obligations for individuals.


For more information on our locations in the UK click here and for our locations in France click here. As with all our locations you can see pricing and order fuel in advance on the RocketRoute MarketPlace app