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Contact us

Please use the contact details below to email, call or write to us in the UK. We aim to deal with your enquiry as quickly as possible
Service stations and BPme enquiries

UK service stations and retail outlets

For comments or complaints about our service stations and retail outlets in the UK, please contact our customer support team:

Email: careline@bp.com

Freephone: 0800 402 402


BPme Rewards

For BPme Rewards queries: BPmeRewards@bp.com

Get answers to your questions in the BPme Rewards FAQs

To speak to our team, call 0800 402 402 and select 1 in the menu.


BPme app

For BPme queries: BPmeUK@bp.com

Get answers to your questions in the BPme FAQs

To speak to the BPme app support team, call 0800 402 402 and select 2 in the menu.