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Air bp and Neste to offer increased volume of sustainable aviation ‎fuel in Europe

Release date:
19 August 2020
  • Air bp and Neste agree to offer a five-fold increase in volume of sustainable aviation fuel
  • Deliveries due to start in the coming weeks
Refuelling hose check ‎–‎ Air bp

Air bp, the international aviation fuel products and services supplier and Neste, the world’s ‎largest producer of renewable diesel and sustainable aviation fuels (SAF), have signed an ‎agreement to offer an increased volume of sustainable aviation fuel to airport customers in ‎‎2020 and 2021. The volume is five times larger than that supplied by the businesses in ‎‎2019. Air bp will make the Neste-produced SAF available at selected airports in Europe, ‎with deliveries to airports including Stockholm (ARN) and Oslo (OSL) expected to begin in ‎the coming weeks.‎

The increased supply of SAF comes in response to rising demand from existing and new ‎airline customers, as well as from Norway, where there is a mandate requiring 0.5% of all jet ‎fuel sold to be SAF. ‎

Neste’s SAF is produced from 100% renewable waste and residue raw materials. In its neat ‎form and over the lifecycle, it can reduce up to 80% of greenhouse gas emissions compared ‎to conventional jet fuel. SAF undergoes the same quality tests as regular fossil jet fuel and ‎can be blended at up to 50% to fuel aircraft. Currently, SAF offers the only viable drop-in ‎alternative to fossil liquid fuels for powering commercial aircraft.‎


“bp’s ambition is to be a net zero company by 2050 or sooner and to help the world get to ‎net zero. Air bp aims to support our customers and the wider aviation industry on their path ‎to meet their low carbon goals. We believe sustainable aviation fuel will play an important ‎role as the industry recovers from the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Through our ‎successful ongoing collaboration with Neste, we are pleased to be able to offer our ‎customers a substantially increased volume of SAF as they work towards reducing their ‎emissions”, says Martin Thomsen, Air bp’s chief executive officer.‎


‎“The COVID-19 pandemic and its economic implications have not changed our ambition. ‎We remain fully committed to combating climate change by providing tangible, immediately ‎available solutions for reducing the greenhouse gas emissions of flying in cooperation with ‎our partners. The use of sustainable aviation fuel will play a significant role in the industry’s ‎ongoing efforts in making air transportation fit for the climate and environmental challenges ‎it is facing. We are looking forward to continuing our close collaboration with Air bp and ‎jointly contributing to a more sustainable aviation”, says Thorsten Lange, Executive Vice ‎President, Renewable Aviation at Neste.‎

Neste’s sustainable aviation fuel annual capacity is currently 100,000 tons. With their ‎Singapore refinery expansion on the way, and with possible additional investment into their ‎Rotterdam refinery, Neste will have the capacity to produce some 1.5 million tons of SAF ‎annually by 2023.‎

Air bp has supplied SAF since 2010 and, to date, has supplied more than 20 customers and ‎‎16 airports globally, including Norway’s Oslo Airport where it was the first to supply SAF ‎produced by Neste through the existing airport fueling infrastructure, in collaboration with ‎other industry stakeholders.‎


‎In 2018, Air bp and Neste announced plans to explore and develop supply chain solutions ‎for delivering SAF to airports and airlines. As a next step in their collaboration, in April ‎‎2019 they jointly developed a viable supply chain solution for sustainable aviation fuel to the ‎Swedish market. This latest step in their cooperation will help to increase the availability of ‎SAF at various airports through making best use of Air bp’s and Neste’s expertise in the ‎fields of production, blending, supply and safe operations.‎

Notes to editors


Air bp

As the aviation division of bp, Air bp is one of the world’s leading suppliers of aviation fuel ‎products and services. It has been investing in the aviation industry for more than 90 years ‎to keep people flying safely around the world. In 2019 we supplied over 6.7 billion gallons of ‎aviation fuel, fuelling over 7,000 flights per day at over 800 locations in more than ‎55 countries – that’s more than five planes a minute.‎

Its customers include commercial airlines, the military, business and private aircraft owners, ‎airports and airfield operators. Air bp has a wide range of services to support its fuel offer ‎including the design, build and operation of fuelling facilities, technical consultancy and ‎training, low carbon solutions, the Sterling Card for efficient general aviation refuelling and ‎innovative digital platforms to increase efficiency and reduce risk.‎


For more information, go to airbp.com.



Neste (NESTE, Nasdaq Helsinki) creates sustainable solutions for transport, business, and ‎consumer needs. Our wide range of renewable products enable our customers to reduce ‎climate emissions. We are the world's largest producer of renewable diesel refined from ‎waste and residues, introducing renewable solutions also to the aviation and plastics ‎industries. We are also a technologically advanced refiner of high-quality oil products. We ‎want to be a reliable partner with widely valued expertise, research, and sustainable ‎operations. In 2019, Neste's revenue stood at EUR 15.8 billion. In 2020, Neste placed 3rd ‎on the Global 100 list of the most sustainable companies in the world.


For more information, go to ‎neste.com.

Further information




Cautionary statement


In order to utilize the ‘safe harbor’ provisions of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform ‎Act of 1995 (the ‘PSLRA’), BP is providing the following cautionary statement. This press release ‎contains certain forward-looking statements – that is, statements related to future, not past events and ‎circumstances – which may relate to one or more of the financial condition, results of operations and ‎businesses of BP and certain of the plans and objectives of BP with respect to these items. These ‎statements are generally, but not always, identified by the use of words such as ‘will’, ‘expects’, ‘is ‎expected to’, ‘aims’, ‘should’, ‘may’, ‘objective’, ‘is likely to’, ‘intends’, ‘believes’, ‘anticipates’, ‘plans’, ‎‎‘we see’ or similar expressions. Actual results may differ from those expressed in such statements, ‎depending on a variety of factors including the risk factors set forth in our most recent Annual Report ‎and Form 20-F under “Risk factors” and in any of our more recent public reports.‎


Our most recent Annual Report and Form 20-F and other period filings are available on our website at ‎www.bp.com, or can be obtained from the SEC by calling 1-800-SEC-0330 or on its website at ‎www.sec.gov.‎