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CEO Bob Dudley and other BP executives to participate in IHS CERAWeek 2013

Release date:
4 March 2013

Several top BP executives, including Group Chief Executive Bob Dudley, will be featured at IHS CERAWeek 2013, the international energy conference, taking place March 4-8 in Houston, Texas.


Dudley will give a keynote address Wednesday morning entitled, “Challenging Opportunities: The US, Russia and the World’s Energy Journey.” In his remarks, he will contend that while there is no shortage of opportunities for meeting the world’s rising demand for energy, those opportunities are in increasingly challenging environments, including unconventional oil and gas formations, deepwater fields and the Arctic. Accessing these resources will not only require energy investment on an “epic scale,” according to Dudley, especially in the United States and Russia, but also a welcoming regulatory and business environment for that investment. Long a leader at the energy frontiers, BP is aligning its business strategy to help the world make the most of these challenging opportunities.


A full schedule of BP’s involvement at IHS CERAWeek 2013 is as follows:

Tuesday, March 5


  • Fergus MacLeod, Head of Group Strategy & Planning, will deliver welcome remarks at the Russian Oil at a Time of Change Insight Breakfast (7:30 a.m.)
  • David Eyton, Group Head of Research and Technology, will participate in a panel discussion entitled, “New Innovation Strategies to Transform the Energy Future” (11:30 a.m.-12:55 p.m.)
  • Fergus MacLeod, Head of Group Strategy & Planning, will participate in a panel discussion entitled, “Financing the Changing Capital Expenditure Patterns” (11:30 a.m.-12:55 p.m.)
  • Steve Cornell, Chief Operating Officer US Refining and Marketing, will participate in a panel discussion entitled, “The New Logistics of North American Oil, Economics, Markets & Politics” (11:30 a.m.-12:55 p.m.)
  • David Eyton, Group Head of Research and Technology, will conduct a live social media engagement via @BP_America.


Wednesday, March 6

  • Bob Dudley, Group Chief Executive, will deliver the opening keynote address entitled,”Challenging Opportunities: The US, Russia and the World’s Energy Journey” (9:00 am.-9:40 a.m.

Further information:



BP US Press Office, (281) 366-4463, uspress@bp.com