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Caring for our planet

We are aiming to support biodiversity at in-scope bp operated projects and major operating sites and reduce our net freshwater use in stressed catchments on sites we operate


Our aim is to support biodiversity where we operate1.

We aim to deliver this by:

  • Aiming to achieve net positive impact (NPI) on all new in-scope2 projects.
  • Implementing biodiversity enhancement plans at our major operating sites.
  • Collaborating with others to support selected biodiversity restoration projects.
1At our new in-scope bp operated projects and major operating sites.

2New bp operated in-scope projects where planned activities have the potential for significant direct impacts on biodiversity are required to develop NPI action plans for those activities.‎
Man inspecting Fowler Ridge wind farm repower project


Our aim is to reduce our net freshwater use in stressed catchments where we operate.

We aim to deliver this by:

  • Using freshwater more efficiently in our operations.
  • Collaborating with others to replenish freshwater in stressed catchments1.

By 2028, we anticipate that our freshwater withdrawal in these catchments will be covered by freshwater management plans.


1The threshold bp uses for stress is based on a water stress level of ‘high’ or above, as defined by the WRI Aqueduct Water Atlas or using site-specific local data sources.