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Bringing the world’s high quality learning resources to Azerbaijan’s universities

Release date:
18 December 2019
  • Direct access to the world’s three most widely used books on management, political science and case management
  • BP’s contribution to transferring international learning resources to Azerbaijan
  • Continual support for enhancing the quality of teaching and learning at Azerbaijan’s universities


BP today presented the Azerbaijani language edition of three internationally recognized textbooks for higher education in the fields of management, political science and case management. These are the translation of the first three textbooks in the list of ten international learning resources which BP has committed to bringing to local universities by supporting their publication in the Azerbaijani language


Globally, the three books are among the most widely used. They have been selected through recommendations received from the local universities and experts. Another very important criterion for the selection is the use of these textbooks as mandatory learning resources in the programmes of leading international universities.


The three books are:


  1. Fundamentals of Management: Essential Concepts and Applications by Stephen P. Robbins, Mary Coulter, David A. De Cenzo. The textbook includes practical tools of management presented through in-depth practice. Covering the essential concepts of management, it provides a solid foundation for understanding the key issues and offers a strong, practical focus, including the latest research on what works for managers and what doesn’t.
  2. Political Science: An Introduction by Michael Roskin, Robert L. Cord, James A. Medeiros, Walter S. Jones. The book   shows students how the fundamental tenets of political science have helped important leaders make critical decisions for centuries. The authors present a balance of theoretical abstractions and applied reasoning to help students understand how to make calm, rational choices when it comes to political manipulation.
  3. Case management   by Arthur C. Frankel and Sheldon R. Gelman. Case managers provide an indispensable service, acting as both experts and liaisons to the wide variety of services, resources, and opportunities available to their clients. The authors use their extensive practice, classroom, and research experience to delineate clearly the steps of the case management process and to address the myriad roles case managers fill in different practice situations


“Support for education has always been a priority area in our social activities. We recognise the importance of giving the students and the teaching staff of our local universities access to the world’s best academic books in their own native language. Last year we presented the world’s best three books on economics and were encouraged by the level of demand and interest in their use. This led us to the decision to continue our efforts in support of transfer of the best international higher educationmaterials to Azerbaijan.


We believe by providing access to the world’s best learning resources we help the country in its consolidated effort to modernize and enhance the quality of teaching in the higher education sector. For this purpose, we have identified a list of ten international textbooks andteaching materials that are important for higher educational institutions. We plan to have the remaining sevenm books translated into the Azerbaijani language and published by the end of 2020.”


Bakhtiyar Aslanbayli, BP’s Vice President, Communications, External Affairs,  Strategy and Region



The list of the ten textbooks that BP has committed to bringing to Azerbaijan includes internationally recognised books on business, management and economics, political science and media.


The books are BP’s gift to local universities but will also be available to all interested people through local libraries and related academic institutions.


The total cost of the translation and printing of the ten books is more than 634,145 AZN.


Notes to editors


BP is one of the world's most renowned oil and gas suppliers, and is dedicated to safely developing and producing essential sources of energy.


In Azerbaijan, BP has been present for 27 years safely, efficiently and reliably operating major oil and gas exploration, development and transportation projects. To date, it has invested together with its partners around $74 billion into projects in the country and has had a positive impact on local communities through generating tens of thousands of jobs and through its extensive social investment activities directed at building local capabilities, education, development of communities, local enterprises, sporting potential as well as research and promotion of the country’s rich cultural heritage.


In Azerbaijan, BP directly employs more than 2,500 Azerbaijani citizens who make over 90 per cent of the company’s professional staff.

Over the past 27 years BP ant its co-venturers have supported a large number of major social investment projects. These have included educational programmes, building skills and capabilities in local communities, improving access to social infrastructure in communities, supporting local enterprises through provision of access to finance and training, support for cultural legacy and sport, as well as technical assistance to public institutions.


In 2019, BP and its co-venturers spent around $4 million in Azerbaijan on their social investment projects.


Overall, since the start, BP itself and together with its co-venturers in the joint ventures that BP operates in Azerbaijan, have spent more than $84 million on social investment projects in this country.

For more information about BP and co-venturers’ social investment projects please visit BP Azerbaijan site at www.bp.com/caspian.

Further information:

Tamam Bayatly at BP’s Press Office in Baku.
Telephone: (+994 12) 525 58 95