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  6. South Caucasus Pipeline Expansion project. ESIA Addendum for Azerbaijan

South Caucasus Pipeline Expansion project. ESIA Addendum for Azerbaijan

Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Addendum report for Azerbaijan

BP as the Operator of the South Caucasus Pipeline (SCP) project announces that the draft Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Addendum (ESIA Addendum) for the South Caucasus Pipeline Expansion project (SCPX) in Azerbaijan has been produced and is available for public review and comment.


This ESIA Addendum assesses the potential adverse and beneficial impacts and addresses mitigations and management of environmental and social issues potentially associated with a reduction in diameter of the pipeline from 56 to 48 inch, which will require an additional section of pipeline in Azerbaijan. The ESIA Addendum supplements the assessment and commitments made within the SCPX Final ESIA which should therefore be read in conjunction with this Addendum.