bp today announces that it has signed a five-year contract with the UK motorway services operator Moto. This contract renewal is the latest phase of a long-standing relationship between the two companies that has spanned over 27 years. bp has been Moto’s primary fuel supplier since 1997 and under this new contract, will continue to supply fuel to 47 Moto forecourts across the UK’s motorway network.
The contract extends the partnership by an additional five years, with an option for the companies to renew for a further five years. The partnership includes supplying fuel to the brand new Moto Sawtry, a bp branded site due to open in Cambridgeshire on 31 March this year. This new site will offer motorists bp’s high quality fuel alongside the convenience of Moto’s forecourt offer.
bp supplies fuel to around 1,150 retail sites in the UK, this includes over 830 bp branded dealer retail sites.
bp press office London, bppress@bp.com, +44 7831 095541, +44 7919 217511
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