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Promo ShopeePay Serba Seribu

Promo ShopeePay Serba Seribu

Terms and Conditions

  1. Promo period: 13 January – 28 February 2025
  2. Free 1L fuel value promo (IDR 13,000)
  3. Minimum transaction: IDR 14,000
  4. Quota: 50 daily quota (1x/user/period)
  5. User Criteria: ShopeePay or SPayLater (offline transaction) through ShopeePay application)
  6. Quota Refreshment: 50 daily quota (1x/user/period) at 06.00 WIB
  7. Eligible in all bp petrol station that has registered ShopeePay EDC
For more information, please contact us through e-mail promotions@bpakr.com