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Low carbon shipping

The shipping industry currently accounts for around 3% of global carbon emissions. bp shipping’s carbon plan sets out a pathway that aims to reduce the carbon emissions of bp’s operated fleet to net zero by 2050 or sooner, in line with achieving Aim 1.
We are also working with the wider shipping industry towards net zero shipping solutions that can transform and connect a greener, global energy market. 

bp is researching, developing, and looking to adopt a range of biofuels and other lower carbon alternatives, including hydrogen, ammonia-based fuels and LNG.  At the same time, we are developing an LNG bunkering network. Bunkering allows us to provide liquefied natural gas fuel to a ship for its own consumption. 


Focusing on our owned and operated fleet, bp has invested in advanced technologies that give us detailed data about vessel performance as it relates to fuel consumption and emissions. As a significant charterer, with over 200 vessels typically on charter at any one time, we are also working to improve the monitoring of third-party vessels to establish a framework for reducing emissions over time. 


bp is proud to work with a number of like-minded partners to support the reduction of carbon emissions in the shipping industry.


We’re  sharing our knowledge to help the industry lower its emissions, including with the Mærsk McKinney Møller Center for Zero Carbon Shipping, the Global Maritime Forum and the Blue-Sky Maritime Coalition. To support decarbonization research, pilots and trials, we have also committed $7.4 million over a five-year period to the Global Centre for Maritime Decarbonization.

"Achieving decarbonization in shipping requires a step-change from within our industry, and it will be complex. But I believe there’s a real opportunity for bp to help create change now."

Carol Howle, EVP supply, trading & shipping