ADR | American depositary receipt. |
ADS | American depositary share. 1 ADS = 6 ordinary shares. |
Barrel (bbl) |
159 litres, 42 US gallons. |
bcf | Billion cubic feet. |
bcf/d | Billion cubic feet per day. |
bcfe | Billion cubic feet equivalent. |
bcma | Billion cubic metres per annum. |
b/d | Barrels per day. |
boe | Barrels of oil equivalent |
boe/d |
Barrels of oil equivalent per day |
EJ/yr | Exajoules |
EVP | Executive vice president. |
FPSO | Floating production, storage and offloading. |
GAAP | Generally accepted accounting practice. |
Gas | Natural gas. |
gCO₂e/MJ |
Grams of carbon dioxide equivalent per megajoule of energy. |
GHG | Greenhouse gas. |
GRI | Global Reporting Initiative. |
GtCO₂ | Gigatonnes of carbon dioxide. |
GW | Gigawatt |
GWh | Gigawatt hour. |
HSSE | Health, safety, security and environment. |
IFRS | International Financial Reporting Standards. |
Kb/d | Thousand barrels per day. |
KPIs | Key performance indicators. |
kt | Thousand tonnes. |
LNG | Liquefied natural gas. |
LPG | Liquefied petroleum gas. |
mb/d | Thousand barrels per day. |
Mbbl | Million barrels. |
mboe/d | Thousand barrels of oil equivalent per day. |
mmb/d or Mb/d | Million barrels per day. |
mmboe/d | Million barrels of oil equivalent per day. |
mmBtu | Million British thermal units. |
mmcf/d |
Million cubic feet per day. |
mmte or Mte | Million tonnes. |
MteCO₂e | Million tonnes of CO₂ equivalent. |
Mtpa | Million tonnes per annum. |
MW | Megawatt. |
MWe | Megawatt electrical. |
MWp | Megawatt peak. |
NGLs | Natural gas liquids. |
PSA | Production-sharing agreement. |
PTA | Purified terephthalic acid. |
RC | Replacement cost. |
RMM | Refining marker margin. |
scfm | Standard cubic feet per minute |
SEC | The United States Securities and Exchange Commission. |
Twh | Terawatt hour. |
SVP | Senior vice president. |
WTI | West Texas Intermediate. |