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Data and how we report

We refer to different frameworks and reporting standards to guide our ‎approach

ESG datasheet

We provide performance data online through our environmental, social and governance (ESG) datasheet, aiming to deliver information that ‎is representative of bp’s sustainability performance.

Reporting standards and frameworks

We support the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), which was established by the Financial Stability Board with the aim of improving the reporting of climate-related risks and opportunities
We report with reference to the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) standards and GRI Sector Standard GRI 11: Oil and Gas 2021.
We take the SASB oil and gas exploration and production standard into account when making disclosures as part of our response to growing demand for non-financial information to help benchmark corporate performance.
We are a signatory to the UN Global Compact and have reinforced our support for the 10 principles on human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption through our purpose and sustainability frame. 
We refer to the Ipieca/API/IOGP sector-specific sustainability reporting guidance for the oil and gas industry. The fourth edition was published in 2020 in conjunction with the American Petroleum Institute (API) and the International Association of Oil & Gas Producers (IOGP).

Score: A- (2023).

You can download a copy of our CDP climate change 2023 questionnaire.

The Benchmark assesses public disclosure across 10 indicators including short/medium/long term GHG targets; strategy; capital allocation; climate policy engagement; governance; just transition; and TCFD. The results can be found here.

Since 2019 bp has responded to a resolution requisitioned by CA100+ on climate change disclosures. The latest response can be found in the bp Annual Report 2023.

We continue to engage with CA100+ – and other climate benchmarks and frameworks – to help inform our ‎approach to reporting and transparency, as well as to provide investors with information to assess bp’s performance.‎

Identifying material sustainability issues

Building on the process used in 2022, we worked with an external agency to refresh specific elements of the assessment used for this sustainability report – so it reflects external developments relating to sustainability and ESG.

We identified 20 key issues of continuing importance to bp and mapped them to our sustainability frame. This highlighted that there had been no significant changes in topics identified compared to the previous year.

Verification and assurance

Our verification methods include data reviews by reporting businesses and subject matter experts, second line functional and group reviews as well as third line reviews by internal audit.

We ask Deloitte to provide limited external assurance for several key sustainability metrics to the internationally recognized ISAE 3000 (revised) standard. Read the Deloitte assurance statement on page 62 of the Sustainability Report 2023.

Our basis of reporting outlines the approach and scope used for data collection and forms the basis for assurance of sustainability performance data.

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