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Our approach to sustainability

Our approach to sustainability is targeted, systematic and collaborative. It rests on strong, well-established foundations. We are working to embed sustainability more widely and deeply in our culture, business decisions, processes and governance
Colleagues in conversation in Oman


At bp, safety comes first and is foundational to everything we do. We want to improve our safety performance and continue working towards our goal of eliminating fatalities, life-changing injuries and tier 1 process safety events. 

Operating Management System (OMS)

Our OMS provides a single framework for delivering safe, reliable and compliant operations. It brings together bp requirements on health, safety, security, environment, social performance and operational reliability, as well as related areas such as maintenance, working with contractors and organizational learning, into a common management system. 

Ethics and compliance

Our code of conduct sets the standards and expectations for how we do the right thing and empowers us to speak up without fear of retaliation. It is the foundation of ‘Who we are’ and puts safety first.  

Together with our Safety Leadership Principles and OMS, it helps us make safe and ethical decisions, act responsibly, comply with applicable laws and deliver our sustainability frame.

Anti-bribery and corruption

We operate in parts of the world where bribery and corruption present a high risk, so it is important to inform our employees, contractors, suppliers, and others, that our commitment to ethical and compliant operations is unwavering. 

Our code explicitly prohibits engaging in any form of bribery or corruption and includes an expectation that we work to ensure our business partners comply with our requirements. 

Our people

We have 100,500 employees around the world, and they are crucial to delivering our strategy and bp’s purpose. We enable them to succeed with bp through the culture we create, by investing in their professional development and by focusing on employee wellbeing and inclusion. 

We support training, education and employability initiatives to help our employees and members of the wider community acquire the skills needed now and in the future. We also build skills forecasts and implement capability plans for our businesses. 

Linking remuneration to sustainability 

Our annual bonus for all eligible employees, including the bp leadership team, has been linked to a sustainability measure since 2019. The bonus scorecard for 2025 against which our employees are measured incentivizes them through three themes: safety and sustainability, operational performance and financial performance. For 2025 our sustainability measure is linked to our operated carbon emissions. This measure covers the same Scope 1 and 2 emissions reported as part of our net zero operations aim.  

For our group leaders’ long-term incentive plan for 2025-27, we are also using an absolute percentage reduction in operational emissions against our 2019 baseline as the basis for measuring progress against our net zero operations aim.  

Policies and practices 

Our policies and practices set expectations for how we manage environmental and social performance before, during and after our activities. They include environmental and social requirements, which form the foundation for our sustainability frame and aims. 

Supplier expectations

We want to work with suppliers who strive for sustainability in their supply chains. We try to develop and strengthen relationships with suppliers who are committed to and act in accordance with our code of conduct. 


The board is responsible for setting the strategy and for monitoring bp’s management and operations as we work to deliver against our targets and aims. 

The board-level safety & sustainability committee oversees effective implementation of the sustainability frame and management of significant non-financial risks, including health, safety, environmental, social and human rights risks


Management oversight of sustainability is embedded through our executive-level group sustainability committee which is chaired by our executive vice president strategy, sustainability & ventures. The committee provides challenge and support in the implementation of our sustainability frame and oversight of the management of potentially significant sustainability risks and opportunities, including those related to climate change. 

Our sustainability news and stories