We’re delighted to launch the request for proposal (RFP) for our 2026 social investment programme. We are committed to continue driving Oman’s society towards a sustainable future and empowering Omani capabilities.
Submit your application for the bp Oman social investment programme (RFP)
We’ve launched our first social investment publication, ‘10 years of empowering Omani capabilities’, which reflects on the journey of our social investment programmes and its impact on Oman’s people.
As we strive to achieve our net zero goals by 2050, we aim to improve people’s lives and care for our planet. The book marks the decade-long journey of our social investment programmes and its impact on Oman’s people.
Together with our social investment partners, our programmes are designed to deliver on our sustainability aims and encompass several pillars of Oman’s 2040 vision, including the enhancement of Oman’s labour market, the preservation of our environment and advancing education.
We remain committed to creating a positive impact towards Oman’s communities.
Oman continues to be a strategically vital country for bp and through our various projects at bp, aim to encourage economic diversification and empower local talent.
bp has a long history of oil and gas exploration and production in the Middle East. Production from phase one of Block 61, Khazzan, started in 2017. In October 2020, production from phase two, Ghazeer, started safely, with capital discipline and significantly ahead of schedule.
Since adopting green completions approach in 2019, 406,000 tonnes of CO2e emissions were saved – equivalent to removing 89,000 cars from the road for a year.
We want to invest in new energies aligned with our aim 5. In 2022, we signed a Strategic Framework Agreement and a Renewable Data Collection Agreement with the Ministry of Energy and Minerals to support the potential development of a multi-gigawatt, world-class renewable energy project in Oman by 2030.
Combined, Khazzan and Ghazeer produce 1.5 billion cubic feet of gas a day and more than 60,000 barrels a day of associated condensate. With an estimated 10.5 trillion cubic feet of recoverable gas resources, the block has the capacity to deliver approximately 35% of Oman’s total gas demand.
The Ghazeer project
Gas from Block 61 is distributed for domestic consumption via Oman’s national gas grid, while also boosting availability of feedstock supply for Oman LNG. bp Trading and Shipping purchases 1.1 million tonnes a year of LNG from Oman LNG under a seven-year deal that started in 2018.
bp is the operator of Block 61 and holds a 40% interest. Makarim Gas Development Limited (OQ) holds a 30% interest, PTTEP holds 20% and PC Oman Ventures Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of Petronas, holds 10%.
Our people are our most valuable asset to our success. We're committed to developing a world class team who live our values every day. To achieve this, we’re focused on developing great leaders, creating a truly global workforce and growing the right capabilities – underpinned by a safe, diverse and inclusive culture, where everyone feels valued and able to deliver to the best of their abilities.
We’ve launched the fourth edition of our socioeconomic review which highlights our commitment to Oman’s sustainable development as we demonstrate aim 9 – to be a leader in transparent reporting.
In July 2022 we launched our book, ‘People at bp Oman’, a celebration of development journeys and achievements.
The people-focused publication highlights bp’s commitment towards strengthening the skills and capabilities of people in Oman through our various development opportunities. This delivers on Oman’s 2040 vision of enriching the local labour market and bp’s sustainability aims of improving people’s lives. The book also looks at key statistics around staff development.
bp is committed to the development of a national workforce in Oman. In 2022, Omani nationals represented over 92% of bp’s workforce in the Sultanate – years ahead of the growth plan of 90% by 2025. In addition, more than 70% of the leadership are Omani.
The bp Challenge programme, a graduate programme, was launched in the UK in the early 1990s and was introduced to Oman in 2010. The competency-based programme is designed to prepare graduates for roles across bp Oman’s business. It helps bring consistency in leadership and technical development across the wider company.
Over 91 Omani graduates have been recruited to date via the Graduate Challenger programme. They have focused career plans as well as building skills in other disciplines.
Working abroad is a recognized way to gain and share knowledge and experience. bp Oman currently has several staff working in some of bp’s worldwide operations, helping to boost their capabilities, including those who hold senior positions. Over the past 15 years, we have placed 42 Omanis in global roles, contributing to different regions and entities and offering more than 135 Omanis international assignments.
In 2012 the company set up its Technician Development Programme, with candidates coming in from technical colleges and universities across the Sultanate to complete a four-year programme, including 18 months working towards a National Vocational Qualification. More than 100 technicians were trained, many of whom now work at Block 61 as mechanical, electrical and production engineers. Some of these technicians and graduates have also had the opportunity to work with bp’s partner OQ and Oman LNG, thanks to an agreement between the three companies.
bp Oman’s overall goal is to create a sustainable legacy that supports Oman’s strategic goals for energy security and long-term economic diversification, whilst empowering local people, helping create a self-sufficiency and progressive future.
We’re proud to support the sustainable development of Omani society, which we do through three main strategies:
As a result of our commitment to maximising in-country value, spend with Omani registered companies exceeded $247 million in 2022. We recognize the benefits international suppliers bring to the local market in terms of technology transfer, employment, training, and building capability to international standards.
As an example, we’re supporting a local company to become a global market leader in providing well stimulation services and compete with multinational companies in the Middle East and beyond.
We signed an agreement with Oman Energy Society (OPAL) and a number of our contractors to provide internship and potential employment opportunities for graduates with various energy companies in Oman. The first ‘Ruwad’ batch enabled 25 candidates to be hired.
bp Oman’s long-standing social investment programme is a unique model that works towards serving and empowering local Omani capabilities in driving Oman towards a self-sufficient and progressive future.
Since the launch of the social investment programmes in 2014, we have positively impacted the lives of over 170,000 people through more than 150 initiatives. Our initiatives are delivered under three main themes: enterprise development, education and energy sustainability.
BP Exploration (Epsilon) Ltd
PO Box 1649, PC 130 (Al Aziba) Muscat
Bait Salam Building
Sultanate of Oman
Office: (00968) 22839000