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Invoicing bp via a credit card

For low-value expenditure, where suppliers accept payment by Visa or MasterCard, bp may use credit card as the preferred payment method

Your bp business representative will contact you for a quote for the required goods/services. At this point make your bp buyer aware that you can accept payment by credit card. Should the goods/services be suitable for credit card payment your bp buyer will provide instructions to supply. This could be by methods such as via the phone or  by placing an on-line  order, for example. Payment will be made by your bp buyer utilizing their credit card. 

Where payments are being made by credit card you should email the (VAT) receipt/invoice, marked as paid and addressed to the relevant bp legal entity, direct to your bp buyer. The invoice must clearly indicate “PAID-IN-FULL”. Ensure you have your bp buyer direct email address for this purpose. Please do not submit duplicate invoices unless specifically asked to do so.