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Gender equity

We’re focused on improving our gender pay gap to ensure equality for our employees. We are committed to an approach of transparency and accountability as we continue on this journey. For bp to be successful and deliver our strategy and net zero ambition, we need great people and diverse teams. 


The Workplace Gender Equality Act 2012 requires employers with 100 employees or more to submit a report that contains their policies and strategies to achieve gender equality. bp has prepared the below report in accordance with amendments to the Workplace Gender Equality Act 2012 passed by Federal Parliament in March 2023. 


Our Diversity, Equity and Inclusion plans outline actions and initiatives that are in place to improve gender representation in our region. These initiatives include Hiring Inclusively principles and equipping our leaders with the right tools to identify areas of improvement and progress. These are directly linked to our global DE&I
pillars of transparency, accountability, and talent and will be key to improving our gender pay gap.