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Contact us



Your views are extremely important to us. To contact us with any feedback or concerns, please email bpheliosfund@bp.com

Escalation process 

The role of the bp Helios Fund is to provide financial grants to eligible beneficiaries. Once we receive an application, we strive to process this as quickly, fairly and as efficiently as possible.
However, there may be occasions where you don’t agree with the decision of the bp Helios Fund or occasions where the service provided is not as expected.
If you have a concern about the service you have received or the decisions taken by the bp Helios Fund please contact:



By post: 

bp Helios FundBuilding CICBT SunburyChertsey RoadSunbury on ThamesTW16 7LN




In your correspondence, please set out your concern and any supporting documentation.




We will acknowledge your correspondence as soon as we receive it and endeavour to formally respond to your request within 2 weeks. This may take longer where we need to gather additional information from third parties.