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California disclosures

CA SB 657 Disclosure – California Supply Chains Act


bp’s commitment to eradicating human trafficking and slavery from the supply chain


Effective January 1, 2012, the California Transparency in Supply Chains Act of 2010 (SB 657, which adds to California Civil Code Section 1714.43) will require all retail sellers and manufacturers doing business in the State of California to provide information regarding their efforts to eradicate slavery and human trafficking in their supply chains.


bp America Inc. (and its various brands and subsidiaries) is committed to the elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labor, including human trafficking, and to the effective abolition of child labor. bp’s Code of Conduct, which applies to all bp entities, explicitly prohibits bp employees from hiring child or forced labor and states that any suspected instances of these abuses, whether in our own operations or those of suppliers, should be reported to our human resources (HR) function for investigation. bp’s employees and contractors are required to comply with the Code of Conduct and its standards, and bp provides training on the Code of Conduct to its personnel. Further, bp supports the United Nation’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and has taken steps to incorporate respect for human rights in our management practices and governance. More information on bp’s support of human rights can be found here.


bp expects its suppliers to comply with legal requirements and operate consistently with the principles of bp’s Code of Conduct when working on our behalf. Accordingly, we consider these rights issues when we assess potential suppliers. bp does not have a formal verification program. bp employees who engage suppliers, vendors, or individual contractors to work on behalf of bp are required to brief them on the contents of bp’s Code of Conduct and seek their cooperation in adhering to the Code of Conduct - including, where possible, through a contractual requirement to act consistently with the Code of Conduct in the performance of their services. Our service, supply and distribution, and various other standard agreements require adherence to bp’s Code of Conduct. This does not require direct suppliers to make a certification regarding materials incorporated into their products. bp maintains internal accountability standards and procedures for employees and contractors who fail to meet the Code of Conduct and investigates suspected cases of non-compliance and will terminate contracts when a serious breach is found to have occurred.

CA AB 1305 – Voluntary Carbon Market Disclosures
BP Products North America Inc. (BPPNA) markets offsets from voluntary carbon projects

This information and disclosure is not represented or presented as being a form of certification or labelling of carbon credits or projects, nor is it a form of assurance, guarantee, or representation as to the quality, integrity, or attributes of the carbon credits or project(s) in question. Further, the information presented here is not, and is not intended to be, a supplement to or modification of any applicable voluntary carbon standard promulgated or adopted by any relevant registry or voluntary carbon organization. It has not been reviewed by nor endorsed by any such organization. The fact that a particular project or carbon credits sourced therefrom have been disclosed or otherwise referenced here does not mean that BPPNA guarantees the performance of the project or a specific outcome from the project or its associated carbon credits. The decision as to whether to purchase a carbon credit, and what offsetting or other claims to make based on the possession or use of that carbon credit, rests solely with the party purchasing and/or retiring the credit or the party on whose behalf BPPNA is retiring the credit.  Nothing contained herein is or shall be construed as an offer to sell any carbon credit or any other product.  BPPNA does not generally agree to contractual obligations, and generally does not make representations or warranties, with respect to whether there is a reversal related to a particular voluntary carbon offset project, or if future emissions reductions do not materialize with respect thereto.


American Carbon Registry (ACR)

BPPNA markets voluntary carbon credits sourced from ACR-listed projects. 


Information related to project methodology and protocol for any projects listed on ACR are listed on the Projects report of the registry (111). If credits have been issued, the Project Credits Issued Report (112) will provide the "Project Methodology/Protocol" and the "Methodology/Protocol Version" used for those specific issued units. For unissued credits, this information will be subject to a future update. Information related to Project Site Location, Project Site State, and Project Site Country are available within the ACR Projects Report (111) and the Project Credits Issued (112) Report. All projects on ACR have passed verification and meet the standards established by ACR. 


The projects are developed under the following ACR protocols: 

  • Improved Forest Management (IFM) on Non-Federal U.S. Forestlands; and
  • Destruction of Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS) from International Sources 

Under the protocol for Improved Forest Management (IFM) on Non-Federal U.S. Forestlands, BPPNA markets voluntary carbon credits from the following projects: 

  • ACR848 NativState - Bottomland Forests of the Louisiana Plains (PDA). The project description and location are found here. The project timeline and start date are found in Section H of the Greenhouse Gas Report. The project start date was on 04/19/2022. As of the date of this disclosure, the project has issued 351,053 tonnes from avoidance and 49,160 tonnes from removals.
  • ACR558 Finite Carbon – Park Forestry IFM. The project description and location are found here. The project timeline and start date are found in Section H of the Greenhouse Gas Report. The project start date was on 05/01/2020. As of the date of this disclosure, the project has issued 266,462 tonnes from avoidance and 40,816 tonnes from removals.
  • ACR562 Finite Carbon – Hiawatha Sportsman’s Club IFM. The project description and location are found here. The project timeline and start date are found in Section H of the Greenhouse Gas Report. The project start date was on 07/02/2020. As of the date of this disclosure, the project has issued 404,583 tonnes from avoidance and 33,091 tonnes from removals.
  • ACR 571 Finite Carbon – AMC Maine Woods Initiative IFM. The project description and location are found here. The project timeline and start date are found in Section H of the Greenhouse Gas Report. The project start date was on 07/22/2020. As of the date of this disclosure, the project has issued 266,462 tonnes from avoidance and 40,816 tonnes from removals.
  • ACR672 Finite Carbon – L.D. O’Rourke Foundation IFM. The project description and location are found here. The project timeline and start date are found in Section H of the Greenhouse Gas Report. The project start date was on 03/12/2020. As of the date of this disclosure, the project has issued 213,184 tonnes from avoidance and 39,032 tonnes from removals.
  • ACR701 Finite Carbon – Windrock Land Company IFM. The project description and location are found here. The project timeline and start date are found in Section H of the Greenhouse Gas Report. The project start date was on 06/16/2021. As of the date of this disclosure, the project has issued 646,189 tonnes from avoidance and 105,832 tonnes from removals.
  • ACR735 Finite Carbon – Loon Echo and Mahoosuc Land Trusts IFM. The project description and location are found here. The project timeline and start date are found in Section H of the Greenhouse Gas Report. As of the date of this disclosure, the project start date was on 10/08/2021. The project has issued 54,571tonnes from avoidance. 

With respect to durability, projects conducted under the ACR protocol for Improved Forest Management (IFM) on Non-Federal U.S. Forestlands carry risks of non permanence such as 1) unintentional reversals (e.g. fires, flood, and insect infestation) and 2) intentional reversals (eg. Land owners or project proponents choosing to discontinue Agriculture, Forestry, and Other Land Use (AFOLU)1  projects activities and/or participate in an activity that reverses the sequestration previously achieved by a carbon sink). 


ACR requires that GHG projects with a risk of reversals shall analyze and mitigate risk, and monitor, report, and compensate for reversals over the project term.2


Project Proponents commit to a minimum Project Term of 40 years. Projects must have effective risk mitigation measures in place to compensate fully for any loss of sequestered carbon whether this occurs through an unforeseen natural disturbance or through a Project Proponent or landowners’ choice to discontinue forest carbon project activities. Such mitigation measures can include contributions to the buffer pool, insurance, or other risk mitigation measures approved by ACR. 


Project Proponents must conduct their risk assessment using the ACR Tool for Risk Analysis and Buffer Determination. The output of either tool is an overall risk category, expressed as a fraction, for the project translating into the buffer deduction that must be applied in the calculation of net ERTs (section G1). This deduction must be applied unless the Project Proponent uses another ACR-approved risk mitigation product.3


Under the protocol for Destruction of Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS) from International Sources, BPPNA markets voluntary carbon credits from the following projects: 

  • ACR823 A-Gas South Korea 1. The project description and location are found here. The project timeline and start date are found in Section H of the Greenhouse Gas Report. The project issued on 11/01/2022. The project has issued 88,945 tonnes from emissions avoidance.
  • ACR882 A-Gas South Korea 2. The project description and location are found here. The project timeline and start date are found in Section H of the Greenhouse Gas Report. The project issued on 05/11/2023. The project has issued 74,831 tonnes from emissions avoidance. 

With respect to durability, projects conducted under the ACR protocol for Destruction of Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS) from International Sources carry no risk of reversal. 


Climate Action Reserve (CAR)

BPPNA markets voluntary carbon credits sourced from CAR-listed projects. 


Information related to project methodology and protocol for any projects listed herein can be found on CAR’s Public Registry.4 If credits have been issued, CAR’s Public Registry will provide the "Project Methodology/Protocol" and the "Methodology/Protocol Version" used for those specific issued units. For unissued credits, this information will be subject to a future update. Information related to Project Site Location, Project Site State, and Project Site Country are also available at CAR’s Public Registry. All projects on CAR have passed third-party verification and meet the standards established by CAR.


The CAR projects BPPNA markets voluntary carbon credits from are developed under the Mexico Forest Protocol5. BPPNA markets voluntary carbon credits from the following projects: 

  • CAR1375 Carbono Otomí La Florida. The project description and location are found here. The project duration is 30 years and the project start date August/3/2018 as indicated in Section 5 and Section 4.3 respectively. As of the date of this disclosure the project has issued 4130 tonnes from improved forest management removals.
  • CAR1432 Ejido sierra de Agua. The project description and location are found here. The project duration is 30 years and the project start date May/6/2019 as indicated in Section 5 and Section 4.4 respectively. As of the date of this disclosure the project has issued 2612 tonnes from improved forest management removals.
  • CAR1433 Ejido La Libertad. The project description and location are found here. The project duration is 30 years and the project start date May/6/2019 as indicated in Section 5 and Section 4.4 respectively. As of the date of this disclosure the project has issued 4916 tonnes from improved forest management removals.
  • CAR1434 Ejido San Pedro Buenavista. The project description and location are found here. The project duration is 30 years and the project start date May/6/2019 as indicated in Section 5 and Section 4.4 respectively. As of the date of this disclosure the project has issued 1933 tonnes from improved forest management removals.
  • CAR1435 Ejido Coatitila. The project description and location are found here. The project duration is 30 years and the project start date May/6/2019 as indicated in Section 5 and Section 4.4 respectively. As of the date of this disclosure the project has issued 3296 tonnes from improved forest management removals.
  • CAR1437 Ejido El Agua de Los Pescados y sus Anexos. The project description and location are found here. The project duration is 30 years and the project start date May/6/2019 as indicated in Section 5 and Section 4.4 respectively. As of the date of this disclosure the project has issued 973 tonnes from improved forest management removals.
  • CAR1438 Predio Las Piedras. The project description and location are found here. The project duration is 100 years and the project start date May/6/2019 as indicated in Section 5 and Section 4.4 respectively. As of the date of this disclosure the project has issued 2597 tonnes from improved forest management removals.
  • CAR1445 Captura de carbono forestal en la Comunidad de Rincón de Guadalupe. The project description and location are found here. The project duration is 30 years and the project start date June/17/2019 as indicated in Section 5 and Section 4.4 respectively. As of the date of this disclosure the project has issued 881 tonnes from improved forest management removals.
  • CAR1446 Captura de carbono forestal en el Ejido Corral de Piedra. The project description and location are found here. The project duration is 30 years and the project start date June/17/2019 as indicated in Section 5 and Section 4.4 respectively. As of the date of this disclosure the project has issued 3003 tonnes from improved forest management removals.
  • CAR1447 Captura de carbono forestal en la comunidad de San Miguel Tenextepec. The project description and location are found here. The project duration is 30 years and the project start date June/17/2019 as indicated in Section 5 and Section 4.4 respectively. As of the date of this disclosure the project has issued 1403 tonnes from improved forest management removals.
  • CAR1448 Captura de carbono forestal en el Ejido El Capulín. The project description and location are found here. The project duration is 30 years and the project start date June/17/2019 as indicated in Section 5 and Section 4.4 respectively. As of the date of this disclosure the project has issued 7572 tonnes from improved forest management removals.
  • CAR1449 Captura de carbono forestal en la comunidad de Santa María y sus Barrios. The project description and location are found here. The project duration is 30 years and the project start date June/17/2019 as indicated in Section 5 and Section 4.4 respectively. As of the date of this disclosure the project has issued 6984 tonnes from improved forest management removals.
  • CAR1450 Captura de carbono forestal en el Ejido San Jerónimo. The project description and location are found here. The project duration is 30 years and the project start date June/17/2019 as indicated in Section 5 and Section 4.4 respectively. As of the date of this disclosure the project has issued 6125 tonnes from improved forest management removals.
  • CAR1451 Captura de carbono forestal en el Ejido San Juan. The project description and location are found here. The project duration is 30 years and the project start date June/17/2019 as indicated in Section 5 and Section 4.4 respectively. As of the date of this disclosure the project has issued 3018 tonnes from improved forest management removals.
  • CAR1452 Captura de carbono forestal en el Ejido San Mateo. The project description and location are found here. The project duration is 30 years and the project start date June/17/2019 as indicated in Section 5 and Section 4.4 respectively. As of the date of this disclosure the project has issued 605 tonnes from improved forest management removals.
  • CAR1453 Captura de carbono forestal en el Ejido Rincón de Guadalupe. The project description and location are found here. The project duration is 30 years and the project start date June/17/2019 as indicated in Section 5 and Section 4.4 respectively. As of the date of this disclosure the project has issued 2977 tonnes from improved forest management removals.
  • CAR1454 Captura de carbono forestal en el Ejido El Potrero. The project description and location are found here. The project duration is 30 years and the project start date June/17/2019 as indicated in Section 5 and Section 4.4 respectively. As of the date of this disclosure the project has issued 4886 tonnes from improved forest management removals.
  • CAR1494 Ejido Topia. The project description and location are found here. The project duration is 30 years and the project start date June/28/2020 as indicated in Section 5 and Section 4.10 respectively. As of the date of this disclosure the project has issued 73263 tonnes from improved forest management removals.
  • CAR1495 Ejido Valle de Topia. The project description and location are found here. The project duration is 30 years and the project start date June/28/2020 as indicated in Section 5 and Section 4.10 respectively. As of the date of this disclosure the project has issued 94771 tonnes from improved forest management removals.
  • CAR1496 Comunidad Rio y Papudos. The project description and location are found here. The project duration is 30 years and the project start date June/27/2020 as indicated in Section 5 and Section 4.10 respectively. As of the date of this disclosure the project has issued 51175 tonnes from improved forest management removals.
  • CAR1497 Ejido Salto de Camellones. The project description and location are found here. The project duration is 30 years and the project start date June/14/2020 as indicated in Section 5 and Section 4.10 respectively. As of the date of this disclosure the project has issued 152024 tonnes from improved forest management removals.
  • CAR1499 Ejido Las Vigas. The project description and location are found here. The project duration is 30 years and the project start date May/6/2020 as indicated in Section 5 and Section 4.10 respectively. As of the date of this disclosure the project has issued 8272 tonnes from improved forest management removals.
  • CAR1500 Ejido Tonalaco. The project description and location are found here. The project duration is 30 years and the project start date May/6/2020 as indicated in Section 5 and Section 4.10 respectively. As of the date of this disclosure the project has issued 1677 tonnes from improved forest management removals.
  • CAR1505 Proyecto forestal de carbono del Ejido Pioneros de Río Xhon - Ha. The project description and location are found here. The project duration is 30 years and the project start date June/29/2021 as indicated in Section 5 and Section 4.4 respectively. As of the date of this disclosure the project has issued 5546 tonnes from improved forest management removals.
  • CAR1506 Proyecto forestal de carbono del Ejido Lázaro Cárdenas Número 2. The project description and location are found here. The project duration is 30 years and the project start date July/2/2020 as indicated in Section 5 and Section 4.4 respectively. As of the date of this disclosure the project has issued 1910 tonnes from improved forest management removals.
  • CAR1507 Proyecto forestal de carbono del Ejido Xbonil. The project description and location are found here. The project duration is 30 years and the project start date January/7/2020 as indicated in Section 5 and Section 4.4 respectively. As of the date of this disclosure the project has issued 19064 tonnes from improved forest management removals.
  • CAR1508 Bonos Comunitarios CO2-El Naranjal. The project description and location are found here. The project duration is 30 years and the project start date June/29/2020 as indicated in Section 5 and Section 4.10 respectively. As of the date of this disclosure the project has issued 7490 tonnes from improved forest management removals.
  • CAR1509 Bonos Comunitarios CO2-Candelaria II. The project description and location are found here. The project duration is 30 years and the project start date June/27/2020 as indicated in Section 5 and Section 4.10 respectively. As of the date of this disclosure the project has issued 10085 tonnes from improved forest management removals.
  • CAR1510 Bonos Comunitarios CO2-San Antonio Tuk. The project description and location are found here. The project duration is 30 years and the project start date June/26/2020 as indicated in Section 5 and Section 4.10 respectively. As of the date of this disclosure the project has issued 7158 tonnes from improved forest management removals.
  • CAR1511 Bonos Comunitarios CO2_San Felipe Oriente. The project description and location are found here. The project duration is 30 years and the project start date June/21/2020 as indicated in Section 5 and Section 4.10 respectively. As of the date of this disclosure the project has issued 1340 tonnes from improved forest management removals.
  • CAR1514 Carbono Petcacab. The project description and location are found here. The project duration is 30 years and the project start date January/26/2020 as indicated in Section 5 and Section 4.10 respectively. As of the date of this disclosure the project has issued 49253 tonnes from improved forest management removals.
  • CAR1621 Proyecto Forestal de Captura de Carbono del Ejido 20 de Noviembre. The project description and location are found here. The project duration is 30 years and the project start date May/12/2021 as indicated in Section 5 and Section 4.4 respectively. As of the date of this disclosure the project has issued 10343 tonnes from improved forest management removals.
  • CAR1622 Proyecto Forestal de Captura de Carbono del Ejido Álvaro Obregón. The project description and location are found here. The project duration is 30 years and the project start date May/12/2021 as indicated in Section 5 and Section 4.4 respectively. As of the date of this disclosure the project has issued 27585 tonnes from improved forest management removals.
  • CAR1623 Proyecto Forestal de Captura de Carbono del Ejido Xmejia. The project description and location are found here. The project duration is 30 years and the project start date May/12/2021 as indicated in Section 5 and Section 4.4 respectively. As of the date of this disclosure the project has issued 24520 tonnes from improved forest management removals.

With respect to durability, the CAR Mexico Forest Protocol requires all credited GHG removals to remains stored in the forests for at least 100 years. However, projects may commit to maintaining carbon sequestered due to project activities for a minimum time commitment of 30 years, in which case credits are issued based on the proportion of carbon that is stored relative to the 100-year permanence period. Tonne-year accounting principles are used to quantify the relative proportion of carbon sequestered. 


The Protocol employs multiple mechanisms to ensure credited GHG removals meet permanence obligations, such as:

  • A legal contract with the forest owner.
  • A formal commitment approved by the community or ejido in case of communal and ejido projects.
  • An insurance mechanism referred to as a Buffer Pool of credits based on a project's risk.
  • A long-term economic incentive that redistributes Buffer Pools dividends to compliant projects.

Projects must conduct their risk assessment using the CAR’s Mexico Forest Protocol methodology, which results in the determination of the project’s overall risk rating, expressed in percent. Projects must apply this percentage in the calculation of net CRTs to determine the buffer withholdings.6


If a reversal occurs, project credits must be retired to compensate for the amount of credits reversed to ensure permanence of the Climate Reverse Toone (CRTs) already issued.

1 AFOLU projects - A broad category of ACR-eligible project activities that reduce GHG emissions and/or enhance GHG removals through changes in agriculture, forestry, and land-use practices. Definition taken from the ACR standard v8.0

2 Explanation taken from the ACR standard v8.0

3 Explanation taken from the v1.3 of the IFM Methodology April 2018 document

4 Available at: The Reserve (apx.com) 

5 Available at: Mexico Forest Protocol - Climate Action Reserve: Climate Action Reserve

6 See Appendix G in: Mexico-Forest-Protocol-V3.0_ENG_Errata-and-Clarifications.pdf (climateactionreserve.org)