A flare stack is a tall, narrow structure that can be seen in refineries and other industrial processing plants that burns excess material. During startups, shutdowns or incidents at refineries, flares act as safety valves, releasing pressure and burning excess material.
The Whiting refinery has 9 flares. Each of the flares supports a specific area or specific units in the refinery.
Flaring can be seen when units are starting up or shutting down or, in some instances, experiencing an upset. When an upset leads to flaring, operators work to try to find the source of the issue on the impacted unit or units and respond to the flaring as quickly and safely as possible.
The refinery monitors the air quality by using a combination of stationary and mobile air monitors.
Federal regulations require bp to maintain fence line monitors and to submit the results to regulators. The US EPA manages how that data is made available to the public.
As part of a recent settlement reached with regulators, bp has also agreed to install additional air monitoring equipment, including one new monitor within the refinery fence line, three new monitors at the refinery fence line, and 10 new monitors outside the refinery fence line in the surrounding community. bp is developing a public website that will be available beginning in summer 2024 to host sampling data from these new community air monitors.
If a flare is operating normally, there should be minimal air quality impacts. During a flaring event, air emissions are closely monitored and reported to regulators.
During flaring, material is combusted, and that process can, at times, result in odors. Some of this material can produce odors that humans can perceive at very low concentrations but are well below the concentrations that may affect human health. Additionally, we take steps to try to minimize odors from the refinery that may impact local residents. In a heavily industrialized area like the one in which Whiting sits, the source of any particular odor is not always easily identifiable in the absence of additional data.
We are focused on STEM education, conservation and community events, such as the Process Tech program, Student Conservation Association, and Pierogi Fest.
We provide financial support and our employees volunteer as mentors for a STEM education initiative called the Process Tech program at Ivy Tech Community College. The program helps students exploring STEM careers.
Since 2015, we have been partnering with the Student Conservation Association (SCA), which inspires young adults ages 18 to 25 to pursue conservation through urban forestry projects that restore native habitats of trees and vegetation.
That is why we are evaluating plans at the Whiting refinery for lower-carbon products like biofuels, hydrogen and Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF).
In October 2023, bp and the Midwest Alliance for Clean Hydrogen – the MachH2 coalition – announced their selection by the US Department of Energy for regional clean hydrogen hub funding. bp is looking to develop blue hydrogen production at or near our Whiting refinery.
Chris DellaFranco, Whiting refinery’s top leader, shares insights on the energy industry, innovation, safety, and building trust with communities.
Whiting refinery leadership reaffirms commitment to communication, transparency and engagement with Northwest Indiana.
General information
For questions and more information about Whiting refinery, please contact whitingrefineryexternalaffairs@bp.com.
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