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bp zet haar strategie voort om een geïntegreerd energiebedrijf te worden dat oplossingen levert aan klanten

3Q 2024 results

Resilient operations supported delivery of an underlying profit of $2.3bn and a further $1.75bn share buyback announcement as bp continues to drive focus and efficiencies into the business

We have made significant progress since we laid out our six priorities earlier this year to make bp simpler, more focused and higher value. In oil and gas, we see the potential to grow through the decade with a focus on value over volume. We also have a deep belief in the opportunity afforded by the energy transition – we have established a number of leading positions and will continue high-grading our investments to ensure they compete with the rest of our business. I am absolutely clear that the actions we are taking will grow the value of bp."Murray Auchincloss,chief executive officer


Montage of images from around bp with the words 'Our strategy in action and Growing the value of bp'

Investor update 2023 

bp hosted an Investor update in Denver and Field trip to bpx’s Permian operations on 10-11 October 2023, focused on its oil and gas business, as well as its biogas business


Why invest in bp

A montage of images showing bp's varying types of business
Wij zijn ervan overtuigd dat bp een uitstekende belegging is, die aandeelhouderswaarde op de lange termijn oplevert. Om dat te realiseren concentreren we ons op de transformatie van internationaal oliebedrijf naar geïntegreerd energiebedrijf, met een blijvende focus op presteren tijdens het transformeren. En we geloven dat we daarmee aantrekkelijke rendementen kunnen genereren.