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myairbp help videos

Log on help

Need help logging on to myairbp? Click your issue below to get started.
Use your email address to log in to myairbp. As an Air bp customer you will have received an email welcoming you to myairbp and requesting that you verify your account. If you have already done this but you are still having problems accessing myairbp, please contact us.
You should have received an email welcoming you to myairbp and requesting that you verify your account. Click the link in this email to get started. If you are still having problems accessing myairbp, please contact us.
Log on for the first time
This video is available in alternative languages, select your preference below.
Enter your email address on the log in page then click ‘Forgot password?’. You will need to confirm your email. Please ensure that you provide the email which you used when creating your myairbp account. Once confirmed, a password reset link will be sent to your email. You will need to reset your password promptly, before the link expires. If the link expires before you reset your password, repeat the steps above.

Request a fuel release

Request a fuel release

Manage your Sterling cards

Cancel or replace Sterling cards
Order new Sterling cards
Renew your Sterling cards

Choose how to see new invoices

Receive your invoices as PDF attachments by email
Merge large numbers of copy invoices into one PDF bundle
Receive notifications by email when new invoice information is online

Easily access invoice and account information

Straightforward access to a summary of your account
Quickly search for invoices by a range of criteria
View delivery tickets next to invoice line items where available

See what is due and when

View your account balance and total exposure
View all open (unpaid) invoices in one convenient place
Opt to receive payment due reminders by email

Raise a query

Raise a query on an invoice or delivery quickly and easily
Track your query through to resolution
Opt to receive status updates via email

Export information

Download content from key screens
Export multiple invoices into one PDF or excel file

View details of uninvoiced deliveries 

View details of all deliveries made that have not yet been invoiced
View a total of uninvoiced deliveries

Access your sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) certificates

Instant access to your sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) certificates

Have more than one user

Have as many users as you wish on the system

Tailor preferences such as email alerts and languages to each individual

Access your invoices on any device

Securely log in on tablets and mobiles as well as desktop

Recommended browsers are Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Microsoft Edge

Store your invoices for audit purposes

Historic invoices remain accessible (contact your collector if you have any issues)

View myairbp in a choice of languages

myairbp can be viewed in English, German, French, Spanish, Italian and Swedish