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  4. Sustainability Report 2024 at a glance
Giulia Chierchia quote image
It is five years since we introduced a strategy underpinned by our sustainability frame, and I am pleased with how far we have come. 

We are now focusing our aims on those that are most relevant to the long-term success of our business and to our net zero ambition.


Giulia Chierchia
EVP strategy, sustainability & ventures

Safety comes first

At bp safety comes first. We know there is always more we can do to improve safety performance. Our goal is to eliminate all fatalities, life-changing injuries and the most serious process safety incidents, and we continue to work to strengthen bp’s safety culture. 


In 2024 we reduced the number of combined tier 1 and tier 2 process safety events (PSEs) for the second year running. We reported 38 PSEs compared with 39 in 2023. 

Our focused sustainability aims

Net zero operations

Our aim is to reach net zero by 2050 or sooner for Scope 1 and 2 emissions within bp’s operational controla, including by maintaining ‘near-zero’ methane intensity across our operated producing assets, enabled by supportive government policies.

Net zero sales

Our aim is to reduce to net zero the average lifecycle carbon intensity of the energy products we sell by 2050 or sooner, enabled by supportive government policies and the decarbonization of energy demand.


Our aim is to support our employees and local communities through the energy transition.


Our aim is to support biodiversity where we operateb


Our aim is to reduce our net freshwater use in stressed catchments where we operate. 

a On a CO2e basis 
b At our new in scope bp-operated projects and major operating sites.
Download our aims summaries

Performance at a glance 

Engineer works on outdoor pipes

Getting to net zero

Net zero operations


reduction in Scope 1 and 2 emissions compared to the 2019 baseline

2023: 41%

Net zero operations


methane intensity, using our new methane measurement approach.

2023: 0.05%

Net zero sales


reduction in the average lifecycle carbon intensity of the energy products we sold against the 2019 baseline using our updated net zero sales methodology.

2023: 5%

Early careers employees in Gelsenkirchen

Improving people's lives

Just transition

We advanced our projects to support a just transition, working with our partners in Scotland, UK, Houston, US and Western Australia.

Inclusive culture

70% of people working at our Tangguh facility in Indonesia are Papuan. We are aiming to have an 85% indigenous Papuan workforce at site by 2029.

Human rights

We continued to evaluate high-risk tier 1 suppliers in line with our labour rights and modern slavery principles

Man inspecting fowler ridge wind farm repower project

Caring for the planet



of our new in scope projects are developing net positive impact plans for biodiversity. In Trinidad, our pipeline replacement project is now implementing its net positive impact plan.


All our major operating sites located in biodiversity sensitive areas continued preparation work on biodiversity enhancement plans.



fall in freshwater consumption, compared with our 2020 baseline. Our freshwater withdrawals also reduced by 15%.

Our stories

Read more on how we’re embedding sustainability across bp and our progress in 2024.

Unlocking growth in bioenergy

Unlocking growth in bioenergy

We took full ownership of bp Bunge Bioenergia in 2024. Now called bp bioenergy, the company is one of Brazil’s leading biofuels companies, with the capacity to produce around 50,000 barrels a day of ethanol equivalent from sugar cane, across five Brazilian states. 

bioenergy at bp's Bunge plant
Supporting livelihoods in Oman

Supporting livelihoods in Oman

In 2024 we celebrated 10 years of our social investment programme in Oman. In that time, we have invested $30 million to deliver more than 150 initiatives that support education, enterprise development and environmental sustainability. These areas align with our sustainability frame and Oman's 2040 vision, which sets pillars and priorities for the country's social and economic planning from 2021 to 2040. 

bp staff with safety gear on bicycles in the Oman
Enhancing biodiversity at Cherry Point refinery

Enhancing biodiversity at Cherry Point refinery

Cherry Point refinery, US, is located close to hundreds of acres of wetland which are home to many different species of animal wildlife, grasses, trees and shrubs. We are trying to preserve and enhance this native biodiversity by creating more than 470 acres of new wetland just outside the refinery perimeter. We have created a five-year biodiversity enhancement plan, underpinned by our use of new technologies to map and monitor biodiversity. 

An image of the Cherry Point wetlands

Our sustainability frame

Sustainability frame

Our sustainability frame

Our purpose is to deliver energy to the world, today and tomorrow.

Our sustainability frame underpins delivery of our strategy, and our refreshed sustainability aims are focused on those that are most relevant to the long-term success of our business.  

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