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  6. Budapest Pride march 2019

Budapest Pride march 2019

6 July marked the annual Budapest Pride march and – as a proud global ally – bp in Hungary participated with more than 150 colleagues and their friends.

This year, the global theme of Pride march was ‘We have something in common’ and, indeed, we represented it: our bp-branded truck was one of the main attractions of the march in Budapest and supported our colleagues wearing their t-shirts. At bp we are proud to bring our whole self to work, and bp colleagues attend Pride marches globally.  It’s part of our values and behaviours and events like the pride march offer an opportunity to have fun while making a stand for something really important.


Values in action: we truly embodied our One Team and Respect values by taking part in the event from across service towers and functions of our organization – and many of our senior leaders participated, too!

pride hungary
Budapest Pride March 2019
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