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Mountain Challenge experience

During Spring 2018 bp colleagues took part in a Mountain Challenge programme: living our values and unleashing their energy, plus we hosted Dávid Klein, and Szilárd Suhajda, renowned mountain climbers.

Dávid and Szilárd shared with us their experience of excelling in their sport, covering the importance of goal-setting, teamwork, persistence, ethical behaviour and how they adapt their passion for climbing with everyday life; common themes to the culture at bp in Hungary.


A few weeks later, more than 150 colleagues joined Szilárd for a trekking tour in Börzsöny and Pilis. We spent a Saturday together surrounded by nature, exploring the beauty of the Hungarian hills, and we experienced for ourselves how a diverse set of people are capable of forming a unique team that can strive to achieve a goal together, and feel proud of collective achievement when celebrating success. 


A further 50 brave and lucky colleagues also had the chance to join a trekking tour in Austria at the end of May 2018, where they climbed to the summit of Schneeberg, safely guided by Szilárd.

Viktor Knezevics, Head of Country was recently talking about the Mountain Challenge programme and our employee engagement and company culture in general on the radio. You can listen to the conversation here.


Please note, that the conversation is in Hungarian.

Viktor Knezevics


The Mountain Challenge programme has taught us how to respect the nature and each other, how diverse people can form a community and work as one team, how we can celebrate success and be proud of an extraordinary achievement and last, but not least how fun is also part of all the experience we have together.
Szilvia Tóth -Office Coordinator, BP in Hungary