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Reducing emissions

By 2050, we see the T&S portfolio of traded and marketed products helping to decarbonize the global energy mix. Beyond bp’s investments in renewable energy, T&S has been developing several other offerings to help customers meet their sustainability needs.
An graphic showing CO3 emissions + Direct abatements + Carbon offsets = Net zero CO2 emissions

We are already one of the largest suppliers of renewable natural gas to the US transportation sector. For example, we generate environmental attributes from biogas through the federal Renewable Fuel Standard and the California Low Carbon Fuel Standard.


As the largest marketer of natural gas in the US, bp views its vast natural gas portfolio as having a key role to play in advancing the energy transition. Natural gas can reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the power and hard-to-abate industrial and transport sectors, compared to some incumbent fuels. It also serves as an abundant, affordable and reliable partner to renewables. For example, switching from coal to natural gas in the power sector reduces lifecycle GHG emissions (including both CO₂ and methane emissions) by about 50% when producing electricity and by about 33% when providing heat.1 Natural gas can be a source of near-zero carbon energy when combined with carbon capture use and storage (CCUS), either as a direct source of energy to the power and industrial sectors or to produce blue hydrogen.



Lower carbon shipping

bp’s shipping fleet features some of the most advanced tankers anywhere in the industry: bp vessels have the latest, most fuel-efficient hull forms, engines, cargo management technology and operational systems.

A picture of a larger tanker ship at a dock on deep blue water

bp has made upgrades to its fleet of LNG carriers that may reduce fuel consumption by ~25% compared to earlier single skeg designs of similar capacity and emit less nitrogen oxides. The gas combustion system in our LNG tankers minimizes the risk of methane emissions into the atmosphere, and the full re-liquefaction system has the ability to convert 100% of the evaporated natural gas back into LNG and pump it to the cargo tanks. Each vessel is also equipped with an exhaust gas recirculation system that reduces nitrogen oxide emissions.


To continue delivering sustainable emissions reductions, we have successfully trialed the use of low carbon fuels in certain bp vessels, and we are planning to install additional energy-saving technologies in the near future.

1 IEA report – The Role of gas in today’s energy transitions