Our reporting is focused on the material sustainability issues that matter to our stakeholders. We refer to different reporting frameworks and standards to inform our reporting.
You can find details of our reports, policies and positions, ESG data, and frameworks and standards in our reporting centre.
Aim | Measure/coverage | 2025 target | 2030 aim | 2050, or sooner, aim |
1 | Net zero operations | Scope 1 and 2 | 20%a | 50%a | Net zero |
2 | Net zero production | Scope 3 | 10-15%b | 20-30%a | Net zero |
3 | Net zero sales | Average lifecycle carbon intensity | 5%b | 15-20%b | Net zero |
4 | Reducing methane | Methane intensity | 0.20%d | 50 reductiond | |
5 | More $ into transition | Transition growth investment | $6-8bn | $7-9bn |